英文校正の例 - 自動車産業
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The automobile industry is a very complex industry in that it needs use of common components, production close to the place of consumption, and combinations of designs and prices matching the regions. With such various components in use, it means the industry has a broad supplier base and a hierarchical structure. A such complex and diverse industry has a large room for more competitive products by improving productivity and cutting costs through use of IT.
The automobile industry is a very hiThis rephrasing avoids the unnecessary repetition of industry.ghly complex,industry in that it needs requiring the use of common components, a geographical proximity of production closeThe original close here is an adjective, but this is a list of nouns. Using the noun geographical proximity maintains the format and style of the list. to the place of and consumption, and design/pricing combinations of designs and prices matching the targetregions.
With such various The Such various feels very Japanese English in style. The rewrite gives much more natural English.wide range of components in use, it means the used results in the industry's has a broad supplier base and a hierarchical structure. As Such a complex and diverse industry has a large roomA large room sounds like an actual room in a house. High potential avoids this strange phrasing. high potential for more increased competitiveness products by through the use of IT to improving improve productivity and cutting costs through use of IT.
The automobile industry is highly complex, requiring the use of common components, a geographical proximity of production and consumption, and design/pricing combinations matching the target regions.
The wide range of components involved results in the industry's broad supplier base and hierarchical structure. Such a complex and diverse industry has high potential for increased competitiveness through the use of IT to improve productivity and cut costs.