英文校正の例 - 論文のアブストラクト
英文校正のお見積りは、ご依頼の原稿をinformation@pgelanguage.co.jp へお送りください。
論文のネイティブチェック例 - アブストラクト
After many conferences on enrvironment recently, "Sustainable Development" became a strong message to the world, which means that "Environment" and "Development" are not conflict with each other to an economy. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate problems regarding sustainable development from the viewpoint of compatibility between the productivity and the environmental impact.
After manys a result of numerous environmental As the opening line to a thesis, it is important that the English wording here is natural and clear; this rewrite gives a good native-speaker style of English with an appropriate tone. conferences on enrvironment inrecentlyyears,the concept of This addition helps to improve readability and clarify the meaning of the original. Ssustainable Ddevelopment" has becomebecame a strong message to the worldglobal priority, which meanswith the strong messageEmail exchange with the author confirmed that this was the intended meaning. that the "EQuotation marks and capitalization are not necessary here - this is neither a quotation nor a proper noun. environment" and "Ddevelopment" are not conflict with each other to an economyThe original version here had a rather Japanese English style. The rewrite gives a more natural version. compatible in economic terms. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate problems regardingrelating toTo a native speaker, "relating to" sounds more natural in this case. sustainable development from the viewpoint of compatibility between the productivity and the environmental impact.
As a result of numerous environmental conferences in recent years, the concept of sustainable development has become a global priority, with the strong message that the environment and development are compatible in economic terms. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate problems relating to sustainable development from the viewpoint of compatibility between productivity and environmental impact.